Assessment Of Commercially Available Asf Virus Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays

Kate Schumann, a microbiologist at the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory located at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center discussed her Grassroots project. African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a global threat to the stability of pork production and its stakeholders. Preparedness of veterinary diagnostic laboratories to quickly and accurately detect ASFV is of great importance for monitoring and controlling the potential spread of disease during an outbreak. This webinar reviewed the performance characteristics of five commercially available ASFV real-time PCR assays, including analytical sensitivity and inclusivity data.

  • Assessment of Commercially Available ASF Virus Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays ( Download)
  • African Swine Fever - How real-time PCR testing is used in China ( Download)
  • Alternative Sample Types and Point of Care Testing for Early Detection of ASF ( Download)
  • GARA 2020 Session 3: Dr. Sandra Blome, An Update on Diagnostic Challenges associated with ASF ( Download)
  • Diagnostic testing and vaccine development for ASFV ( Download)
  • How do you diagnose African Swine Fever - Dr. Liz Wagstrom ( Download)
  • Pinoy Pork Challenge - ASFV Detection using cPCR ( Download)
  • CFIA Presents a Three-Part Series on African Swine Fever - Part 1: Disease overview and recognition ( Download)
  • Novel LAMP Based Testing Assays for Viral Pathogens of Swine and Poultry ( Download)
  • DOST-PCAARD S&T Response to the ASF Challenge, African Swine Virus with Sec. Fortunato T. de la Peña ( Download)
  • Surrogate virus assay characterizes ASFV survival and inactivation in feed ( Download)
  • PCR mastitis testing for herd health and milk quality ( Download)
  • SBC ASFV cPCR Demo ( Download)
  • IDEXX Research and Development: PCR test for PEDV ( Download)
  • Board Meeting 101720 - Columbia Pike AMI - ASF presentation agenda item 45 ( Download)