Can Swimming Make Me Sick Water Borne Diseasesymptoms Water Wisdom Series

Free-living ameba are environmental protozoan parasites with worldwide distribution. They exist in nature without the need for a host and do not require a vector for transmission to humans or animals. While we are lucky to be surrounded by so many great places to swim and recreate, the risk of water-borne diseases is also a reality. Trisha will talk about those diseases and what you can do to help minimize your risk of getting one this summer.

Presented by: Trisha Robinson, Epidemiology Supervisor, Water Borne Disease Unit, Minnesota Department of Health. She oversees the routine surveillance activities, outbreak investigations, and health promotion activities for all waterborne pathogens, including Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Legionella, and free-living ameba.
For short hikes, simply remember to “GoB4Ugo”. Okay, that one is easy. For long days on the water, remote hiking, rock climbing, camping, and ice fishing, we need to “pack out our poop” in a WAG bag (which stands for “Waste Alleviation and Gelling” and is basically a dog waste bag for humans). It may be an unpleasant thought, but if we care about protecting our health and our waterways, we can learn a new habit. There are a variety of WAG brands available to buy, and most WAG kits contain a gel that neutralizes the waste. WAG kits usually include toilet paper and hand sanitizer and instructions to help you understand how to pack it out safely. Have fun—be safe—and WAG it!

To find more Water Wisdom topics:
The Practical Water Wisdom series is the brainchild of Itasca Waters, a nonprofit organization located in Itasca County whose mission is to ‘team up’ with other organizations and concerned citizens to maintain abundant, clean water for our continued health, enjoyment, and a strong economy. This series is supported by Itasca Waters’ members, Minnesota Sea Grant, Itasca Coalition of Lake Associations, Itasca County Soil and Water Conservation District, KAXE/KBXE, Rapids Radio, and Grand Rapids Herald-Review.

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