Pumping Solution For Sargassum Removal

Sargassum is brown algae that never attach to the seafloor and can bloom into floating jungles stretching for miles. It provides habitat, food, and breeding grounds for sea life. However, in the last decade, sargassum blooms have reached uncontrollable proportions and are destroying the Caribbean coastlines. Fueled by nutrient and chemical waste runoffs from the Amazon river, the regular sargassum seasons are becoming longer and more destructive. With over 35 million tons of sargassum estimated to smother the Caribbean, 2022 has been a record-breaking year.

EDDY Pump's "Open Rotor" technology is the perfect solution to move heavy solids such as sargassum effectively and efficiently for many years. We offer different sizes, adjustable rotors, and various motor options such as Diesel, Hydraulic, and Electric. With over 35 years as a technology company serving industries in every sector of dredging and construction, including the U.S. NAVY, we pride ourselves on solving some of the world's biggest problems; climate change is no different.

For example, a 4-inch Self-Prime EDDY pump outfitted with a 43-horsepower engine can pump sargassum directly from the water, preventing it from reaching the beach sand where it causes erosion. A 12-inch rotor can pump around 800 gallons per minute, with a solids' content of up to 70%. This load can be pushed up to 300 meters without needing a booster pump, and with the optional trailer tow or skid, EDDY pumps can be used on land or at sea.

Manual labor used in beach clean-up efforts can be replaced with EDDY Pump technology to quickly capture and remove sargassum before it decomposes and exudes harmful hydrogen sulfide gases. In conclusion, EDDY pumps protect the environment allowing resources to focus on disposal and recycling efforts—a win-win for people, their beaches, and your investment.

For more info please visit:
Info: eddypump.com/applications/sargassum-removal/

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