Stress And Gut Health With Kiran Krishnan How Humans Heal

In today’s podcast I talked with Kiran Krishnan, he is a research microbiologist and the co-founder of Microbiome Labs. He specializes in understanding our gut and our gut biome. Today I especially wanted to hear his perspective on stress and the gut-brain axis.

Without stress we wouldn't exist as a species. Stress response induces something called the flight or fight response the reason for that is we're supposed to be in tune with potential dangers around us.

What's happening in the in the modern world is that process where cortisol gets dumped into the gut and cortisol makes your gut super leaky.

The more we understand it the more we can become aware and conscious about the choices we're making so that we can take back control of our bodies and our health.

When the whole system falls apart is when cortisol enters the gut making your gut leaky because you're missing certain microbes and bacteria.

If you experience stress and anxiety on most days or throughout every day and you have issues sleeping, you likely don't have enough of these microbes.

The beauty of all of this is you can easily take a specific probiotic and then completely change how your body responds to stress. ZenBiome, for example, is a new supplement Kiran developed that contains a specific strain of Bifidobacterium known to reset cortisol production. It is used for people who have elevated cortisol (such as Stress Magnets and Sluggish & Stressed types based on Dr. Doni’s Stress Types).

Also, if you're not sleeping adequately, you are not getting the repair your body and gut needs, so you keep experiencing this overtime and the damage starts accumulating.

We all have some degree of leaky gut. It's more about whether it is mild, moderate, or severe. And if we don't pay attention to healing, we’re going to have a hard time surviving.

We have to adopt healthy habits like cleaning up our diet to help our microbiome, so even things like trying to move towards organic or cleaner foods minimizing exposure to pesticides and herbicides which of course all act as antibiotics in your gut and kill off good bacteria.

There are lots of microbes in your gut who are waiting for food and aren't getting the right types of food because we're eating the same half a dozen things every single day.

When you combine the diet, lifestyle, supplements, food and sleep then you start to see a profound difference, and everything gets back in balance again.

If these changes become a part of your normal routine, you can then maintain that resiliency.

I explain more of this subject in my book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health:

Or you can reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment if you prefer.

You can also check out my upcoming FREE Masterclass: Transform Your Life: Get to the Root of Anxiety and Depression going live on October 12TH:

Find the supplements mentioned by Kiran in this interview, such as ZenBiome, in the shop at

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