Cancro E Tromboembolismo Venoso Pianeta Salute 2 0

Il Dott. Andrea D'Alessio, responsabile dell'Unità Operativa di Medicina interna e Oncologia del Policlinico San Marco di Zingonia (BG) ci parla di TEV (tromboembolismo venoso) e trattamento con nuovi anticoagulanti orali nei pazienti oncologici.
#TEV #oncologia #anticoagulanti

English: The video is about the importance of anticoagulant drugs in preventing thrombosis, a condition in which a blood vessel is obstructed by a clot, typically composed of fibrin and cellular products such as platelets and white and red blood cells. There are two types of thrombosis, venous thrombosis and arterial thrombosis, with venous thrombosis affecting primarily the lower limb and resulting in pulmonary embolism, while arterial thrombosis can lead to ischemia and necrosis, such as a stroke or heart attack. The video emphasizes the association between cancer and thrombosis, as 50% of cancer patients can die from a pulmonary embolism, and highlights the importance of anticoagulants in preventing this risk for cancer patients.

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