O Co2 E O Oceano

In this video, Drs. Adrienne Sutton and Sophie Chu highlight the work of scientists at NOAA PMEL's Ocean Carbon Program to help society better understand the ocean's role in the global carbon cycle. In our changing climate, this role comes at a cost: ocean acidification, with its wide-reaching impacts on the health of the ocean and marine ecosystems, is the result of increased absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). They also discuss the evolution of data collection—from CO2 instruments on cargo ships and research vessels to the innovative use of uncrewed surface vehicles, which have effectively filled some observational gaps in the hazardous waters of the Southern Ocean and provided insights into the part storms play in air-sea carbon exchange.

To learn more about ocean carbon exchange and the NOAA PMEL Carbon Program, visit pmel.noaa.gov/co2

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