Qualidade Ambiental Profo Well

Learn about Utah's changing landscape as local experts discuss ideas and concerns centered around water, earth, fire, and air.

Air. It's everywhere and it's visible. Learn about current policies, our history with air quality and how our history also sets us up to see some amazing potential in our future . Ask your questions to our panel of experts and get answers to the things you want to know.

Becky Close - Air Quality Policy Section Manager, Utah Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Air Quality
Logan Mitchell - Atmospheric Scientist, University of Utah
Michael Shea - Sustainability Director, Salt Lake County

The Elements of Utah series includes actions and programs you can participate in to make a difference in our community, along with at-home crafts for teens and adults.

  • Elements of Utah: Air: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and What We Can Do About It ( Download)
  • Monitoring and Auditing in Environmental Impact Assessment: Interview with John Glasson ( Download)
  • UrbanSus – Urban Atmosphere: Emissions, Impacts and Trends of Welfare in Cities ( Download)
  • Edward Boling - Environment & Natural Resources Law Attorney Profile ( Download)
  • Intruder shot, killed after kicking in door, charging occupant with a knife ( Download)
  • Aula 2 - Curso em Educação Ambiental de Base Comunitária e Ecologia Política na América Latina ( Download)
  • Camisinha na bolsa de ostomia ( Download)
  • Don Reicosky - Technical Speaker ( Download)
  • Curso internacional em Educação Ambiental de base comunitária e ecologia politica na América Latina ( Download)
  • How Much CO2 is Healthy in my Home Carbon Dioxide Targets Planned and Proven ( Download)
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  • Palestra (Legendada) - Dr. Murray Gray - Geodiversity, Geoheritage & Geoconservation for Society ( Download)
  • 一口氣看完!灰姑娘拼命考上大學卻被村長的女兒掉包頂替,她一氣之下剪髮參軍,6年後以最強女戰神的身份霸氣迴歸,讓當年欺負她的人付出血的代價!【她為巾幗】全集 #短剧 #逆袭 #反转 #热血 #高考 ( Download)
  • Environmental Quality Incentive Program and Conservation Stewardship Program, presented by NRCS ( Download)
  • What is Good Enough to meet your needs When Buying a Stage Light ( Download)