Hello,親愛的朋友們!我是 [雕笑笑],一名懷揣著無限熱情與夢想的動畫創作者。
Hello, dear friends! I am Diaoxiaoxiao, an animation creator with boundless enthusiasm and dreams.
At present, I am in a difficult time in my life. Due to the impact of the epidemic, my life has undergone tremendous changes. I am burdened with a million dollars of debt and spend every day in stress and anxiety. But I did not choose to give up. Instead, I sit by the computer every day and continue on the road of animation creation.
Behind every video are countless days and nights of effort and dedication. I have invested a great deal of time and energy in planning, production, and editing, just to bring everyone a wonderful visual experience and valuable content. However, this creative path is not all smooth sailing.
I have no powerful background support nor abundant financial resources. I am only persevering with my love for animation video creation. In order to continuously create better works, I often have to sacrifice my rest time. Even when facing many difficulties in life, I have never thought of giving up.
I sincerely hope to receive your support and tips. For me, each of your tips is not just money. It is more about your recognition and encouragement, and it is the driving force for me to keep going.
If you are moved by my efforts, if you think my video has brought you a moment of joy, touch, or inspiration, please don't be stingy with your love and tip me. Let's grow together and chase our dreams together in this wonderful video world.
Thank you very much for your viewing and support!
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