2019 Industrial Hemp Herbicide Carryover Considerations

Dr. Rodrigo Werle, Assistant Professor & Weed Specialist
Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison & UW-Extension

  • 2019 Industrial Hemp Herbicide Carryover Considerations ( Download)
  • Use of Nitrogen and Herbicides with Industrial Hemp (2018) ( Download)
  • Herbicide Damage Symptoms on Hemp ( Download)
  • Effect of Herbicides on Hemp Production - WKU Study- KYHIA 2019 ( Download)
  • Hemp for Essential Oils: Water and Nutrient Management Considerations ( Download)
  • Industrial Hemp Basics ( Download)
  • Hemp Pesticides in Kentucky: Working through the Confusion ( Download)
  • What kind of plant is industrial hemp ( Download)
  • Help for growers managing multiple herbicide resistant waterhemp ( Download)
  • Weed Control in Hemp with Dr. Flessner ( Download)
  • 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Weeds and Weed Management in Hemp ( Download)
  • Using the Statewide Hemp Directory/Listings ( Download)
  • Hemp Pesticides: A Short but Growing List ( Download)
  • Insect ID and Management for Industrial Hemp Farmers ( Download)
  • Stine Seedcast EP 34: Weed Control Considerations for 2023 and Beyond with Dr. Aaron Hager ( Download)