7 Seo Experiments To Skyrocket Your Traffic

Learn seven SEO experiments that grew my traffic from 9,029 search visitors a month to 449,000 in two years.

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Today, I'm gonna teach you guys seven experiments that I ran that grew my traffic from 9,029 search visitors a month to 449,000. That's a huge increase. Now to clarify, I did that increase through a period of two years from January 2015 all the way to January 2017.

Experiment number one, does post frequency affect search traffic? Now you guys already know that when you're first starting off with a blog or a website, and you add a ton of content, of course, frequency and the amount of content as well as quality affect how much traffic you're gonna get. Because if you have five pages that Google's indexed, and then you have 100 pages, obviously you have a higher probability of getting more search traffic. But the real question is is there diminishing returns? What happens if you go from having 100 blog posts to 200, 200 to 500, 500 to 1,000, et cetera? What really happens? So I decided to test a few things.

Experiment number two, here's another way that I really increased my search traffic. It's pretty much just figure out if you can use social media data to figure out how to increase your click-through rate. We all know that click-through rate increases rankings, right? So if you're number one versus number two versus number three, there's a huge difference in how much search traffic you get. You, of course, wanna be number one. And when you're number two and you're getting more clicks on your listing than the number one listing, what happens? Well, Google will naturally move you up.

Experiment number three, who is Neil Patel? Some of you guys have seen this, some of you haven't. And my big hypothesis with this test was does Google rank brands higher? And I wanted to really figure that out, right? Just like Pepsi, Coke, everyone knows about 'em. You see that glass, and you're like oh I really want a Pepsi, I want a Coke. They have a really strong brand. So do these brands get preferential treatment when it comes to Google? And well first of all, before you can actually do that, you need to first figure out how does Google track if a brand is popular?

Experiment number four, is content really king? And it's funny, right, everyone talks about like oh you should do a ton of stuff with content. Blogging's the best stuff, and is it really the best stuff? I have no idea. I thought it was the best idea 'cause I've been blogging for so long, Quick Sprout, Neil Patel, Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg, et cetera where I'm like well let's really actually see if content is king. So I invest so much time and energy into content 'cause I have a team that helps me.

Experiment five, does bounce rate impact search traffic? We've all heard about it, and you know there's a few things that I ended up doing. I think this slide is wrong, right? Is this right? Let's see. I'm just fast forwarding, all right, a bit misplaced, but I can go through it. All right, so in general, you've heard about it. And I started testing things out. And here's a general synopsis.

Experiment number six, does keyword density or thoroughness matter more? So I'm assuming you guys have all tried shoving keywords onto a page. I know I have. I used to do things like aim for a higher keyword density than my competitors, use keywords within my h1 tag, use a keyword within my URL, and put the keyword within the first sentence of the content.

Experiment number seven, do URLs really matter? So I changed my URL, and in one month my search traffic grew by over 40%. Tyler from Canada who was giving a speech I think yesterday, he's the one who told me about this. We got introduced by a mutual friend, Tony from Expedia.

If you like this video, like, comment, share. I do appreciate it. And if I can ever do anything to help you out genuinely even if it's you know giving you some advice, I don't care for the money, just leave a comment below, and I will do my best to try to help you out and answer all your questions. Thank you for watching.

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