A Triangle Of Influence Bringing Together Physics Coloquio Online 22 J Halverson

COFAlumni USB quiere invitar al Coloquio #22 Online!

Esta edición especial en el contexto del proyecto conjunto con ICTP Física Sin Fronteras: Physics REBoot Venezuela: Bootcamp #1. Que será dictado en inglés.

" A Triangle of Influence: Bringing Together Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Computer Science " - Jim Halverson


Recent advances in machine learning have begun creating new bridges to physics and mathematics that have traditionally existed between the latter two. Given this progress, I will speculate about where we are and where things might be headed, including through the recently launched NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions. Specifically, I'll survey well-known machine learning results in supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and generative models, and explain cases where these techniques are already impacting physics and math. In more detail, I will explain some remarkable similarities between neural networks and quantum field theory that might point towards a theoretical understanding of deep learning, and also how an AI agent's ability to unknot headphones might provide useful in cracking a foundational problem in topology.

"Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory" - arXiv: 2008.08601
"Learning to Unknot" - arXiv: 2010.16263
"Symmetry-via-Duality" - arXiv: 2106.00694

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  • A Triangle of Influence: Bringing Together Physics... | Coloquio online #22 - J. Halverson ( Download)
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