Developing “thinking Managers” To Bridge The Engagement Gap Hrdq U Webinar

When it comes to bridging the engagement gap, are your managers part of the problem or part of the solution? There’s a wealth of research showing that managers not only play a large role in whether or not employees are engaged, they often don’t seem to know what will actually engage them.

This session will show you how to apply current studies from the newly published Whole Brain Business Book-Second Edition, along with more than 30 years of research on thinking, learning and the brain, to transform your leadership development strategies and build an environment where everyone is encouraged and motivated to bring their best thinking to work. By exploring the impact of thinking preferences on communication, work processes, job fit, coaching and more, you’ll learn how to develop managers and leaders who see past their own preferences to focus on what will truly engage and retain an increasingly diverse employee population. You’ll take away an easy-to-apply model for understanding how to “meet people where they think” so your organization can get the full benefits of its cognitive diversity.

  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap | HRDQ-U Webinar ( Download)
  • HRDQ Webinar: Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip10 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip24 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip15 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip23 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip1 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip29 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip18 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip11 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip14 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip7 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip30 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip25 ( Download)
  • Developing “Thinking Managers” To Bridge the Engagement Gap HRDQ U Webinar SD clip2 ( Download)