Episode 131 The Alabama Axe Murderess

In June of 1959, the torsos of two men were found in a rural part of northeast Alabama. The gruesome discoveries sparked a media firestorm as locals feared they had a mad man stalking their homes. These kinds of gruesome murders just didn’t happen in rural areas where folks didn’t even lock their doors at night.

A three week investigation led police to a desolate farm, in Rabbittown, a small community in the tiny town of White Plains, Alabama.

A 30 year old woman named Viola Hyatt lived there with her elderly father and stepmother. Viola was soon arrested and the press went wild. Why would a shy, 30 year old woman kill two men and hack their bodies into pieces?

Written, hosted and produced by Erica Kelley

Researched by Haley Gray

Original Graphic Art by Coley Horner

Original Music by Rob Harrison of Gamma Radio

Edited & Mixed by Erica Kelley

Case Suggested by Heather Blackmon

View sources at southernfriedtruecrime.com/131-the-alabama-axe-murderess