How Long To Recover From Upper Blepharoplasty Best Eyelid Procedure 2020

How long does it take to recover from an upper Blepharoplasty. Recovery from an upper Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is quick quick. You may return to work or activities as early as the next day. Of course there are certain restrictions with activities such as yoga and Pilates. The biggest issue regarding recovery from an upper eyelid surgeries that we are very in tune with each other's eyes. We look at each other in the eyes and during the first week of recovery if there's a single suture there, and also some swelling it's quite easy to tell that you've had something done. So if you want to you know run around to the grocery store or work and you don't want anybody to know they've had anything done,

then it probably require that you wear a pair of glasses or sunglasses to cover it up. If you don't care about these things however you can get back to most normal activities almost immediately. We do want you to be cautious for certain activities and take caution when dressing and undressing, getting out of the shower and drying off, to avoid putting any attention to pulling clothes over your head, wrapping in a towel around your head are things that need to be. You need to be careful about so you don't pull the incision open. It's not me when I feel it but we don't want it to open. These are things we'll review obviously with you individually. There's virtually no pain associated with this upper Blepharoplasty.

The only discomfort that's experienced generally is a mild burning sensation. Immediately following the procedure that is while you're here the local begins to wear off, we only use a few cc's, so there's a little bit of burning. We use some cold compresses during the procedure and we'll have to use them afterward. And that's really all the discomfort that you have. You may have a little bit of tightness but otherwise Tylenol or nothing is required.

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