How To Utilize Voc 120 Using A Ctq Tree 【excel Template】

The starting point of process improvement projects has to be "Voice of Customer". "Customers" are sometimes an external, regular customer, but many other times they are employees who receive the product of your target process. One quality slogan explains this as "The Next Process Is Your Customer". Either way, an important point is to identify your target process's customers and collect their expectations about what they hope for the most from your process's product, then you want to utilize those VOC's (Voice of Customer) 120%. A powerful tool for that is the "CTQ Tree". You can convert your VOC's to the CTQ's (Critical To Quality) that are required for process improvement with this "CTQ Tree". I'll explain how to make a CTQ Tree with an Excel template. Also you'll get a deeper understanding of the CTQ concept from this video.
(Process Improvement Methodology for Service Operations, PMP, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Japan: Episode 23)

<< Download the QTC Tree Template >>

<<Read this video's transcript in my blog.>>

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  • How to utilize VOC 120% using a CTQ Tree 【Excel Template】 ( Download)
  • Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree) and Voice of the Customer (VOC) ( Download)
  • Critical To Quality (CTQ): Detailed Illustration With Practical Example | CTQ Tree | CTQ Flowdown ( Download)
  • Critical to Quality Tree Template Download ( Download)
  • Using CTQ to translate Voice Of Customer (with example) ( Download)
  • VOC to CTQ EXAMPLE -1.(1-TO-1 Session with Dr. Lean Murali) ( Download)
  • Lean Six Sigma has to start from Voice of Customer: VOC 【Excel Template: VOC Matrix Diagram】 ( Download)
  • Quality, VOC and CTQs (2 of 3) ( Download)
  • CTQ Development - Using Process Maps and VOC ( Download)
  • CTQツリーでお客様の声(VOC)を120%活かせる!【エクセルテンプレート】 ( Download)
  • 2 VOC, VOB CTQ Tree ( Download)
  • VOC to CTQ drill down series - Key Customer Issue (KCI) ( Download)
  • VOC( Voice Of Customers)of CTQ. ( Download)
  • Animated Live Action Video for CTQ (Critical to Quality) ( Download)
  • VOC to CTQ Example - 04.(1-TO-1 Session with Dr. Lean Murali) ( Download)