Neuro Hemodynamics Application Of Nirs Cerebral Nirs Monitoring

Valerie Y Chock MD MS
Clinical Cardiopulmonary Phisiology for The Care Sick Newborn Course
Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre

  • Neuro Hemodynamics & Application of NIRS. Cerebral NIRS Monitoring ( Download)
  • A Powerful Pair: Pairing NIRS Tissue Oximetry and Hemodynamic Monitoring in Cardiac Surgery (1 of 2) ( Download)
  • NIRS: Near infrared spectroscopy in the ICU ( Download)
  • Maria Angela Franceschini: Clinical neuro-monitoring with NIRS-DCS ( Download)
  • Neurohemodynamics in the care of premature neonates ( Download)
  • Usefullness of NIRS in clinical decision making for Hemodynamic Compromise ( Download)
  • NIRS in Hemodynamic Monitoring in the NICU ( Download)
  • Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Cerebral Oximetry ( Download)
  • 3. NIRS monitoring: shedding some light on cerebral blood flow – Anders Aneman ( Download)
  • Monitoring Cerebral & Somatic Oximetry with Near Infrared Spectroscopy for CVICU & ECMO Patients ( Download)
  • Is It Time to Use NIRS as a Clinical Tool ( Download)
  • Introduction to fNIRS – Measure brain activity using functional near-infrared spectroscopy ( Download)
  • Somanetics Invos Overview ( Download)
  • NIRS - Near Infrared Spectroscopy in the NICU ( Download)
  • 17 NIRS in neurologic patients G Citerio ( Download)