Prof Matt Kemp Explains The Importance Of Wirfs Artificial Womb

Lead investigator of WIRF's Artificial Womb project, Professor Matt Kemp, took to Channel Seven's Flashpoint to explain the pioneering medical technology.

First unveiled in 2013, the project has endeavoured to prevent the severe morbidity suffered by extremely premature infants by offering a medical technology that does not currently exist.

The Artificial Womb continues to capture the keen interest of the global scientific and medical community as well as several awards and achievements including:

• In 2018, achieving a perfect score by the NHMRC placing it in the top 0.1% of all national projects
• In 2017, recognised in the Annual Top 10 Science Stories by the Australian Science Media Centre
• In 2017, featured at the prestigious Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria.

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