Somalia On The Brink Living With Terror And Violence

With no state, no public amenities, no bank system, a scarce army, an under-equipped police force, and almost daily attacks, the majority of Somalia is completely out of government control. Despite the presence of an international African army, AMISOM, the country lives under the rule of armed Islamists who take orders from Al Qaeda.

Every year, the international community spends billions on aid, and yet the country is weaker than ever. Rather than benefiting citizens, the majority of international aid money is tied up in astronomical security costs, or is embezzled by a corrupt political class. It is estimated that less than 20% of aid money actually reaches its intended recipients.

With unprecedented access, our team was able to spend 16 days filming in the capital, Mogadishu, and its surrounding areas. This film attempts to understand how this country, under control of one of the strongest Islamist groups in the world, remains in chaos.

0:00 Somalia, one of the most dangerous countries in the world, is plagued by terrorism and violence, with the city of Mogadishu under constant attack.
7:32 The video highlights the difficult living conditions in Somalia and the desperation of its young population to leave the country for a better life in Europe.
16:19 Somali leaders work to rebuild their country and regain the trust of the people.
24:34 The video discusses the challenges faced by the mayor of Mogadishu, Somalia in dealing with terrorism and the efforts to maintain security in the city.
30:53 A rare look inside the most dangerous prison in Africa housing Al-Shabaab terrorists and dangerous criminals in Somalia.
42:38 International aid funding for Somalia is being misused and does not reach the people in need.
49:24 The video highlights the dire healthcare situation in Somalia, where a lack of resources and widespread corruption contribute to high mortality rates.

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