Weed Smokers Cough What To Do

How to relieve a weed smoker’s cough

The simple answer is to stop smoking weed, but then for many that is the same as asking the
tide not to come in.

In reality, if you smoke a lot of weed and have developed a cough with a lot of mucus, it is
likely because of your lungs’ defence mechanism.

While our lungs are full of alveoli which enables us to absorb oxygen into our bloodstream,
they are all full of cilia, which are hair-like projections responsible for creating mucus.

That mucus then traps the irritant in the lungs and as you cough up that unpleasant ‘stoner
mucus’, you also cough up the irritant.

Over time, your lungs become ‘contaminated’ with tar and other irritants from the cannabis
smoke, and the cough never seems to go away.

It goes without saying that if you do develop a cough, and especially if it is a dry cough, it is
always sensible to go and see your GP.

To be honest, that cough is a warning that your lungs are struggling, and it is also a warning

As our lungs are so critical to our wellbeing, it is well worth considering how you consume
your cannabis in order to give your lungs a well-earned respite.

There’s cannabis tea, hash brownies, or even vaping which, while not ideal, is meant to be
much less damaging than smoking weed or tobacco.

If you do decide to give your lungs a rest from cannabis smoke, now might be a good time to
put them through their paces with some good old-fashioned exercise like running or cycling.

You can also try some breathing exercises, such as box breathing and no, that doesn’t
involve sticking your head in a box!

It is also good for helping you destress and relax, which you may want to do if you are
missing your daily joint...