Why Putting Vape Devices In Water Can Cause Fires

Lithium-ion batteries can explode.

Ryan Fogelman of FireRover explains:
Watch as he throws away handfuls of vapes. Not only does he throw them away, but he places them into the water. I would assume this is so they cannot be used, but he certainly has no idea these are electronic with fuel inside them that can ignite and burn.

Similar to the dangers traditional cigarettes used to pose. Everyone knew, or at least should have known, that cigarettes or matches used to light them have the potential for danger. I have heard fewer and fewer stories of fires in recycling facilities that operators believe started from a still-lit cigarette butt, but vapes have some of these risks, too. If one of these vapes catches fire or explodes, it is dangerous, even more so when the fire lights around another accelerant, gas or worse.

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